Daily note

This script creates a menu item and a button to create or jump to a note for the current day. It is a slightly modified version of the journal-entry script by @pbek, @sanderboom, and @kantrol.


Otherwise, options and usage are very similar to the original script.



If you click on the "Create daily note" button, a note will be created in the journal subfolder with the title being today's date in ISO 8601 format. (Both the default title and subfolder name can be adjusted -- see Options section above.)


Caution: Users of this script should be aware that text typed into a newly-created note may sometimes not be stored until clicking away from and back to the note. This appears related to a bug where newly-created notes are given a temporary "hash"-style filename before finally settling on the actual note name.

Update: it appears that this is a known issue. However, the suggested fix does not seem to correct the problem (at least in this script).
